About us
Rediscover our Past – Live in the Present - With a desire to dare Future
Our history goes back to the early eighties. British Knights was launched by a New York based sports footwear wholesaler as a fashionable alternative to the major 'performance' sportswear brands. In the 1980-ies British Knights clearly distinguished itself by having a very own and specific character based on extreme sports and having that specific British Knights urban look. Inspiration was found in the world of surf, skate and hip hop.
British Knights positioned themselves as an inner-city and music driven brand, appealing to the predominantly streetwise young people. And as they say: fortune favours the brave. British Knights grew to be a big hit! The slogan Choose Change! became the thriving force behind British Knights major successes worldwide. The brand initials ‘B’ and ‘K’ were a frequently used item in media, music and on the streets. For example in the early nineties British Knights sponsored the famous number 1 American rappers MC Hammer and LL Cool J. Also, British Knights was the first to make a commercial, which was broadcasted on the worldwide music channel MTV.

British Knights, it’s a lifestyle!
Our current image most definitely is related to our proud past. Continuing to create brand quality collections, which are completely orientated towards the latest trends. Creating cutting edge collections in which the main theme remains street wear based on the hottest extreme sports. The design is clean and unified across the range, while great attention has been paid to details and finishes. British Knights knows there is an opportunity with footwear to be creative on many levels and is using this knowledge to be its greatest strength.
British Knights will remain pushing itself to new levels.
What started as an unknown company in New York, has since matured into a major worldwide famous brand. Quality, originality and style are the foundations of our glorious past and that of our current successes, which convey the taste to challenge the future with a bigger and wider range of British Knights footwear.
We are BORN FREE, let's live like it!
Humans are not made for boxes. We just don’t fit. We crave to walk our own path. Why do we pander to others and their expectations? People who eat with their elbows on the table. People who wait an hour before they swim. People who know no better. Answer to no-one but yourself. Make your own choices. Eat in the pool. With your elbows in. Smile if you have braces. Dress. Undress. Put on mascara. Put on manscara. Make up with colours. Make up with black. Make up your mind. Kiss him. Kiss her. Kiss both. Be 15 when you’re 50. Choose for yourself. There’s no wrong choice if it’s made with conviction.
We are BORN FREE, let's live like it!
Check out the BORN FREE campaign →

This website is operated by British Knights International B.V.
We are registered under company number 18118083 and the following trading office.
Tuinstraat 1, 5144 NE Waalwijk, The Netherlands.
You may contact us at info@bkfootwear.com, +31 (0) 416 566 661 or the above address.
Our VAT number is NL005118335B01.